Stirling University students elected to SNP Students National Committee


DATE: 10/11/2022 



Vice-President of the Stirling University Scottish Nationalist Association, Zack Niven, has been elected to the position of National Convener of SNP Students. Speaking on his election, Niven said:

“I would like to thank my colleagues in SNP Students for choosing me to be National Convener. It has been a real passion of mine to take part in national level discussions over policy and campaigning, so to be appointed in this position is really important to me. I look forward to working with them, alongside members of the SNP Executive and other affiliated organisations to put students at the forefront of decision making” 

He joins Dante Lopez, President of SUSNA, who sits on the SNP Students National Executive Committee as a President of the SNP society here in Stirling. Dante said: 

“Congratulations to Zack on his appointment to SNP Students National Convener. I look forward to working with Zack and the other members of the NEC as we head into an important year in Scottish Politics. It is great to have Stirling students taking part in national debate and having a seat at the top table.”

Alexander Swanson, a Third Year student at Stirling, stepped down as Acting-Convener and was elected to become National Organiser.

SNP Students (or the Federation of Student Nationalists) is the national body representing 4,500 student members of the SNP at Universities and Colleges across Scotland. The National Executive Committee is the primary decision making group where members are elected annually by members at the SNP Students National Conference. SUSNA is affiliated to SNP Students and represents student members and supporters of the SNP who study at the University of Stirling.

For further information regarding SUSNA, please visit our website at: or contact All press requests should be directed to

More information on SNP Students can be found on their website at or emailing

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